Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center -- Business Center Personnel

1071 County Road G
Ithaca, NE 68033

Business Manager: Sarah Hansen

Phone: 402-624-8000

Regular Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

General Information

The GNBC @ ENREEC is a unit within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR), which provides principal financial and human resources support to our supported customer departments and units: Eastern Nebraska Research Extension & Education Center (including Haskell Ag Lab, South Central Ag Lab, and Barta Brothers Ranch), Engagement Zones 7/8/9/11/12, Husker Genetics and the State 4-H office.

 The GNBC @ ENREEC team works together to provide professional services, resource and human resource management, solution development and implementation with the highest levels of integrity, accountability, and customer focus.

 Major activities include budget development and administration, financial management services, human resources, and payroll management, and grant development and support.

Responsibilities: Manage ENREEC, HAL, SCAL, & HG Business Operations; supervise BC staff (Extension Zones 7/8/9/11)

Financial Personnel

Responsibilities: Pre-award Nebraska REECs and NE Extension Engagement Zones 1-11

TBD - Finance Specialist

Responsibilities: Post Award (Extension Zones 7/8/9/11); Grant Reconciliation

Responsibilities: County Extension Financial Processes and P-Card (Extension Engagement Zones 7/8/9/11), Inbox (EZ 7), AP/AR/CASHNet (ENREEC, EZ 7/8/9/11)

Responsibilities: ESS Time Entry Reviewer (ENREEC, SCAL, EZ 7/8/9/11); AR/AP, Procurement, Purchasing Card (EZ 8), County Financial (EZ 8) & Financial Reconciliation

Responsibilities: AR/AP; Procurement; CASHNet, Purchasing Card & Financial Reconciliation (ENREEC, HAL, SCAL, GNBC, HG) (EZ 7,8,9 & 11), County Financial (EZ )

Responsibilities: State-Aided Budget, Inventory Management, and A/R (EZ 7/8/9/11, ENREEC, SCAL, HAL, GNBC); LB429 Contracts, Ledger Reconciliation

Responsibilities: Financial Management for 4-H statewide office, P-Card Reconcilation for Cooperative Extension, Water Science Lab Service Center invoicing

Responsibilities: AR/AP; Procurement; CASHNet, Purchasing Card & Financial Reconciliation (ENREEC, HAL, SCAL, GNBC, HG)

TBD (handled by Sarah Hansen starting 9/1/23) - Finance Specialist

Responsibilities: ENREEC, Haskell Ag Lab & South Central Ag Lab Procurement; NUFFO, Donor, Revolving & Service Centers Ledger Reconciliation; NU Foundation and UNL Misc Donors Transactions (ENREEC, EZ 7/8/9/11)

TBD - Finance and Office Associate

Human Resources Personnel

Responsibilities: Human Resources: Backup ESS Time Entry Reviewer, PAFs, Electronic Personnel Records, On/Off Boarding (ENREEC, SCAL, HAL, GNBC, HG, EZ 7/8/9/11), Purchasing Card Reconciliation (ENREEC, HAL, SCAL)

Responsibilities: Human Resources: Electronic Personnel Records, Backup ESS Time Entry Reviewer, PAFs, On/Off Boarding (ENREEC, SCAL, HAL, GNBC, HG, EZ 7/8/9/11)

Responsibilities: In addition to IANR HR Support, Travel Coordinator & Delegate NCTA & EZ 1-11, PHREEC P-card Reconciliation


Business Operations Directors

Responsibilities: IANR Business Operations On- and off-campus

Responsibilities: Extension Finance Specialization